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Before we start the actual work, we need to set up our project.

Run ML Aide

For this tutorial, ML Aide server and web-UI are required. The Getting Started tutorial helps to get ML Aide running.

Create a workspace directory

In this tutorial, we will use ~/mlaide-tutorial/ as our working directory.

Prepare environment

For this tutorial, we recommend a Python environment manager like virtualenv in combination with pyenv. Of course, you don't have to use virtualenv or you can use any other environment manager. But in all cases, you should install the dependencies from step 6.

  1. Open a terminal and navigate to the project directory

    cd ~/mlaide-tutorial

  2. Install Python 3.9 (if not already present) via pyenv

    pyenv install

  3. Install virtualenv (if not already present)

    pip install virtualenv

  4. Create virtual environment

    virtualenv .venv

  5. Activate virtual environment

    source .venv/bin/activate

  6. Install all dependencies

    pip install scikit-learn pandas numpy mlaide

Create ML Aide project

  • Open the ML Aide web UI on localhost:8880
  • Login as adam (username = adam; password = adam1)
  • Click on Add Project to create a new project - enter USA Housing as project name


In this chapter we have

  • set up our working environment
  • created our tutorial project

Next, we will load and prepare the dataset. Here, we will use the snippet.

Now you should have everything up and running to start coding.