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Data Preparation

In this chapter, we will load and prepare the USA Housing dataset. All steps that we execute will be stored in ML Aide.

Download required Dataset

First, download the dataset and save it in a subdirectory called data.

mkdir data
curl --output ./data/housing.csv

Create an API key

Later, we want to send all parameters, metrics, and models of our experiments to ML Aide. Therefore, we need to set an API key in our python client. Otherwise, we won't be able to authenticate against the ML Aide server.

  • In the upper right click on adam > Settings
  • Go to API Keys in the left navigation
  • Click on Add API Key
  • Enter any description and click on Create
  • Copy the show API key and store it somewhere safe. The API key won't be shown again. If you lose your API key you have to create a new one.

Create connection to ML Aide webserver

Our data preparation will be implemented in Therefore, create a new file with this name. To create a connection to the ML Aide webserver with Python clients you have to use mlaide.MLAideClient. An object of this class is the main entry point for all kinds of operations. Replace api_key with your personal API key that you created using the ML Aide web UI.

from mlaide import MLAideClient, ConnectionOptions
import pandas as pd
options = ConnectionOptions(
    server_url='http://localhost:8881/api/v1', # the ML Aide demo server runs on port 8881 per default
    api_key='<your api key>'
mlaide_client = MLAideClient(project_key='usa-housing', options=options)

Create Run

Before we read or process anything we should start tracking all relevant information in ML Aide. In ML Aide a run is the key concept to track parameters, metrics, artifacts and models. All runs belong to one or more experiments.

run_data_preparation = mlaide_client.start_new_run(experiment_key='linear-regression', run_name='data preparation')

Now we can read and process this dataset. Also, we can register the dataset as an artifact in ML Aide. This gives us the ability to reproduce the following steps - even if the dataset is lost, deleted, or modified. The artifact can be used in other runs as an input. This helps to track down the lineage of a machine learning model to its root. In the end, don't forget to mark the run as completed.

housing_data = pd.read_csv('data/housing.csv')

# add dataset as artifact
artifact = run_data_preparation.create_artifact(name="USA housing dataset", artifact_type="dataset", metadata={})
run_data_preparation.add_artifact_file(artifact, 'data/housing.csv')


Start your python script using your shell with python After the script completed check the web UI to see the created run and the artifact.


In this chapter we

  • created an API key for authorization
  • created our first run in ML Aide
  • attached the dataset as an artifact to the run
  • connected the python client to the ML Aide webserver

Your code should look like the following snippet shows.

from mlaide import MLAideClient, ConnectionOptions
import pandas as pd

options = ConnectionOptions(
    server_url='http://localhost:8881/api/v1', # the ML Aide demo server runs on port 8881 per default
    api_key='<your api key>'
mlaide_client = MLAideClient(project_key='usa-housing', options=options)

run_data_preparation = mlaide_client.start_new_run(experiment_key='linear-regression', run_name='data preparation')

housing_data = pd.read_csv('data/housing.csv')

# add dataset as artifact
artifact = run_data_preparation.create_artifact(name="USA housing dataset", artifact_type="dataset", metadata={})
run_data_preparation.add_artifact_file(artifact, 'data/housing.csv')

a lot of housing data

The next step is to create a model based on this dataset.