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Installation with Helm

This document describes how to install the ML Aide in your Kubernetes cluster using Helm. ML Aide requires an S3 compatible storage and MongoDB to store machine learning models and metadata. Additionally, an identity and access management (IAM) system is required. The helm chart can be configured to use external, existing installations of S3, MongoDB, and IAM or to instantiate those as part of the Helm deployment.


  • Kubernetes cluster 1.19+
  • Helm 3.0+
  • Any domain where you can configure A or AAAA records

Adding the Helm Repository

helm repo add mlaide
helm repo update

Configure the Chart

ML Aide requires configuration of the following core functionalities:

  1. Expose ML Aide using Ingress (DNS and TLS configuration)
  2. Connection to S3 compatible storage
  3. Connection to MongoDB
  4. Connection to IAM using OpenID Connect (OIDC)

1. Expose ML Aide using Ingress

To use a Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Ingress use the following configuration.

  1. Reserve static IP addresses on Google Cloud
  2. Configure DNS entries
  3. Configure Ingress for webserver and UI
  4. Optional: Configure Ingress for Keycloak

1. Reserve static IP addresses on Google Cloud

Google Cloud Load Balancers are assigned to a public IP address. You need to reserve the IP addresses by running the following commands.

Reserve IP addresses
# IP for webserver
gcloud compute addresses create mlaide-webserver \
  --global \
  --ip-version IPV4
# IP for UI
gcloud compute addresses create mlaide-ui \
  --global \
  --ip-version IPV4
# Optional: IP for Keycloak
gcloud compute addresses create mlaide-keycloak \
  --global \
  --ip-version IPV4

2. Configure DNS entries

Use your DNS management tool to configure the A-records for the three domains pointing to the reserved IP addresses. You can get the reserved IPs by using the following command: gcloud compute addresses list

Assign the IPs to the following domains using your DNS configuration tool:

  • mlaide-webserverapi.mlaide.<your-domain>
  • mlaide-uimlaide.<your-domain>
  • Optional: mlaide-keycloaklogin.mlaide.<your-domain>

3. Configure Ingress for webserver and UI

Store the shown yaml as ingress.yaml in your working directory. Replace <your-domain> with your actual domain configured in the step above.

Webserver and UI Ingress
    enabled: true
    domain: api.mlaide.<your-domain>
    annotations: mlaide-webserver-cert mlaide-webserver gce "false"
    - host: api.mlaide.<your-domain>
        - path: /*
          pathType: ImplementationSpecific

    enabled: true
    domain: mlaide.<your-domain>
    annotations: mlaide-ui-cert mlaide-ui gce "false"
    - host: mlaide.<your-domain>
        - path: /*
          pathType: ImplementationSpecific

  enableManagedCertificate: true

4. Optional: Configure Ingress for Keycloak

If you want to use the Keycloak instance shipped with the Helm Chart, you need to add the ingress configuration for Keycloak. Add this to your ingress.yaml.

Keycloak Ingress
    enabled: true
    domain: "login.mlaide.<your-domain>"
      - host: "login.mlaide.<your-domain>"
          - path: /*
            pathType: ImplementationSpecific
    tls: []
    annotations: mlaide-keycloak-cert mlaide-keycloak gce "false"


2. Connection to S3 compatible storage

ML Aide uses the S3 (simple storage service) API to store artifacts. You can use AWS S3 or any other S3 compatible service. The ML Aide helm charts can be installed using MinIO directly running on Kubernetes.

Store the shown yaml as s3.yaml in your working directory and adopt it to your needs.

    host: "my-release-minio"
    port: "9000"
    accessKey: "my-s3-user"
    secretKey: "my-s3-password"

# enable MinIO deployment
  enabled: true
    rootUser: my-s3-user
    rootPassword: my-s3-password


3. Connection to MongoDB

ML Aide uses the MongoDB to store projects, run, metrics, and other metadata. You can use any MongoDB instance or alternatively use MongoDB shipped as part of the helm chart.

Store the shown yaml as mongodb.yaml in your working directory and adopt it to your needs.

    host: "my-release-mongodb"
    port: "27017"
    username: "root"
    password: "mypassword"
    database: "mlaide"
    autoIndexCreation: true
    authenticationDatabase: admin

# enable MongoDB deployment
  enabled: true
    - my-user
    - my-pw
    - mlaide
    rootPassword: mypassword


4. Connection to IAM

Store the shown yaml as iam.yaml in your working directory. Replace <your-domain> with your actual domain.

# enable Keycloak deployment
  enabled: true
    fullnameOverride: my-release-keycloak-postgresql

  audience: "https://api.mlaide.<your-domain>"
  issuer: "https://login.mlaide.<your-domain>/auth/realms/mlaide-demo"
  scope: "openid profile email offline_access"
    clientId: "mlaide-k8s-demo"
    jwkSetUri: "https://login.mlaide.<your-domain>/auth/realms/mlaide-demo/protocol/openid-connect/certs"
    userInfoEndpoint: "https://login.mlaide.<your-domain>/auth/realms/mlaide-demo/protocol/openid-connect/userinfo"
    nicknamePropertyName: "preferred_username"


Installing the Chart

Install the ML Aide helm chart with a release name my-release:

helm install my-release mlaide/mlaide -f ingress.yaml -f s3.yaml -f mongodb.yaml -f iam.yaml

Try it out

Open the configured URL (https://mlaide.<your-domain>) for MLAide in your browser.

If you have installed MLAide using the built-in Keycloak, you can log in using the pre-configured users:

  • User:
    Password: adam1
  • User:
    Password: bob1

If you have used another OpenID connect provider, use any registered user within the particular provider.

Upgrading the Chart

If you have a running installation of MLAide using Helm, you can update configured paremeters using the follong command::

helm upgrade my-release mlaide/mlaide

Uninstalling the Chart

To uninstall the release my-release use the following command:

helm uninstall my-release



Version: 0.1.0 Type: application AppVersion: 0.1.0

A Helm chart to install ML Aide on Kubernetes


Repository Name Version minio 11.10.25 mongodb 13.1.5 keycloak 18.4.0


Key Type Default Description
fullnameOverride string "" String to fully override mlaide.fullname template
googleCloudPlatform object {"enableManagedCertificate":false,"keycloakCertificateName":"mlaide-keycloak-cert","uiCertificateName":"mlaide-ui-cert","webserverCertificateName":"mlaide-webserver-cert"} Google Cloud Platform specific configuration. Use this only if you are using Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).
googleCloudPlatform.enableManagedCertificate bool false Enable automatic TLS certificate management. With this option enabled Google Cloud will automatically create TLS certificates.
googleCloudPlatform.keycloakCertificateName string "mlaide-keycloak-cert" The name of the managed certificate to be created for the built-in Keycloak. The same name must be listed in keycloak.ingress.annotations."". This property is only required if you are using the built-in Keycloak installation.
googleCloudPlatform.uiCertificateName string "mlaide-ui-cert" The name of the managed certificate to be created for the UI. The same name must be listed in ui.ingress.annotations."".
googleCloudPlatform.webserverCertificateName string "mlaide-webserver-cert" The name of the managed certificate to be created for the webserver. The same name must be listed in webserver.ingress.annotations."".
imagePullSecrets list [] The name of the secret containing docker registry credentials. Secret must exist in the same namespace as the helm release.
keycloak.enabled bool false Specifies whether this Helm chart should install Keycloak.
minio.enabled bool false Specifies whether this Helm chart should install MinIO (S3).
mongodb.enabled bool false Specifies whether this Helm chart should install MongoDB.
nameOverride string "" String to partially override mlaide.fullname template (will maintain the release name)
oidc object see below Configures OpenID Connect (OIDC) for MLAide.
oidc.audience string nil The audience specified in the access token issued by the authorization server.
oidc.issuer string nil The issuer URL of the authorization server.
oidc.scope string nil The scopes to request during login.
oidc.ui.clientId string nil The client ID of MLAide registered on the authorization server.
oidc.webserver.jwkSetUri string nil The JWKS URI provided by the authorization server.
oidc.webserver.nicknamePropertyName string nil The property name withing the user info JSON containing the nickname/name of the user.
oidc.webserver.userInfoEndpoint string nil The User Info Endpoint URI provided by the authorization server to retrieve user details.
ui.affinity object {} Pod affinity.
ui.autoscaling.enabled bool false Specifies whether autoscaling should be enabled.
ui.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 100 The maximum number of Pods when autoscaling is enabled.
ui.autoscaling.minReplicas int 1 The minimum number of Pods when autoscaling is enabled.
ui.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage string nil The target CPU utilization for the horizontal pod autoscaler.
ui.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage string nil The target memory utilization for the horizontal pod autoscaler.
ui.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The pull policy for the MLAide UI image.
ui.image.repository string "mlaide/web-ui"
ui.image.tag string "latest" The tag of the MLAide UI image.
ui.ingress.annotations object {} Ingress annotations.
ui.ingress.className string "" The name of the Ingress Class associated with the ingress.
ui.ingress.enabled bool false Specifies whether a ingress should be created.
ui.ingress.hosts[0].host string nil Host for the ingress rule.
ui.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path string "/" Path for the Ingress rule.
ui.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "ImplementationSpecific" Path Type for the Ingress rule.
ui.ingress.tls list [] TLS configuration.
ui.nodeSelector object {} Node labels for Pod assignment.
ui.podAnnotations object {} Pod annotations for MLAide UI.
ui.podSecurityContext object {} Pod security context configuration to be applied for MLAide UI.
ui.replicaCount int 1 The number of replicas of the UI deployment.
ui.resources object {} Pod resource requests and limits.
ui.securityContext object {} Container security context configuration to be applied for MLAide UI.
ui.service.port int 80 The port for the MLAide UI service.
ui.service.type string "ClusterIP" The type of service to create for the MLAide UI.
ui.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account.
ui.serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created. string "ui" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template.
ui.tolerations list [] Node taints to tolerate.
webserver.affinity object {} Pod affinity.
webserver.autoscaling.enabled bool false Specifies whether autoscaling should be enabled.
webserver.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 100 The maximum number of Pods when autoscaling is enabled.
webserver.autoscaling.minReplicas int 1 The minimum number of Pods when autoscaling is enabled.
webserver.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage string nil The target CPU utilization for the horizontal pod autoscaler.
webserver.autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage string nil The target memory utilization for the horizontal pod autoscaler.
webserver.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" The pull policy for the MLAide webserver image.
webserver.image.repository string "mlaide/webserver"
webserver.image.tag string "latest" The tag of the MLAide webserver image.
webserver.ingress.annotations object {} Ingress annotations.
webserver.ingress.className string "" The name of the Ingress Class associated with the ingress.
webserver.ingress.enabled bool false Specifies whether a ingress should be created.
webserver.ingress.hosts[0].host string nil Host for the ingress rule.
webserver.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path string "/" Path for the Ingress rule.
webserver.ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].pathType string "ImplementationSpecific" Path Type for the Ingress rule.
webserver.ingress.tls list [] TLS configuration.
webserver.loggingLevel string "INFO" The logging level. Must be one of [TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR]
webserver.mongodb.database string nil The MongoDB® database name. string nil The MongoDB® hostname.
webserver.mongodb.password string nil The MongoDB® password. This will be stored as a kubernetes secret.
webserver.mongodb.port string nil The MongoDB® port.
webserver.mongodb.username string nil The MongoDB® username. This will be stored as a kubernetes secret.
webserver.nodeSelector object {} Node labels for Pod assignment.
webserver.podAnnotations object {} Pod annotations for MLAide webserver.
webserver.podSecurityContext object {} Pod security context configuration to be applied for MLAide webserver.
webserver.replicaCount int 1 The number of replicas of the webserver deployment.
webserver.resources object {} Pod resource requests and limits.
webserver.s3.accessKey string nil The S3 access key. This will be stored as a kubernetes secret. string nil The S3 hostname.
webserver.s3.port string nil The S3 port.
webserver.s3.secretKey string nil The S3 secret key. This will be stored as a kubernetes secret.
webserver.securityContext object {} Container security context configuration to be applied for MLAide webserver.
webserver.service.port int 80 The port for the MLAide webserver service.
webserver.service.type string "ClusterIP" The type of service to create for the MLAide webserver.
webserver.serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account.
webserver.serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created. string "webserver" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template.
webserver.tolerations list [] Node taints to tolerate.

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.11.0