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ML Aide provides internal user management that allows to

  • Update personal information
  • Manage API Keys


Show User Settings

  1. Click the User name button in the upper right corner to open the user drop-down menu
  2. Click the Settings button

Update User Profile

  1. Click the User name button in the upper right corner to open the user drop-down menu
  2. Click the Settings button
  3. Click the Profile button in the side navigation
  4. Change
    • First name - optional
    • Last name - optional
    • Nickname
  5. Confirm by clicking the Save button

Add API Key

  1. Click the User name button in the upper right corner to open the user drop-down menu
  2. Click the Settings button
  3. Click the API Keys button in the side navigation
  4. Click the Add API Key button
  5. Provide
    • Description - optional
    • Expires at - optional
  6. Confirm by clicking the Create button

Use API Key

options = ConnectionOptions(
    server_url='http://localhost:8881/api/v1', # the ML Aide demo server runs on port 8881 per default
    api_key='<your api key>'
mlaide_client = MLAideClient(project_key='usa-housing', options=options)

Delete API Key

  1. Click the User name button in the upper right corner to open the user drop-down menu
  2. Click the Settings button
  3. Click the API Keys button in the side navigation
  4. Click the Delete API Key button () for the relevant API key