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Runs belong to exactly one project and none, one or many experiments. However, it is good practice to assign a run to at least one experiment. They may have input from previous runs and may generate outputs – named artifacts – such as models. Runs also contain parameters and metrics that are key-value pairs to make them comparable.


Project: House Price Prediction

  • Experiment 1: Linear Regression
    • Run 1: Data Preparation
    • Run 2: Test Train Split
    • Run 3: Linear Regression Training
  • Experiment 2: Random Forest Regression
    • Run 1: Data Preparation
    • Run 2: Test Train Split
    • Run 4: Random Forest Regression Training


Show Runs

  1. Select the relevant project by clicking it in the home view or via the Projects dropdown in the main navigation
  2. Click the Runs button in the side navigation

Create Run

run = mlaide_client.start_new_run(experiment_key='linear-regression',
                                  run_name='linear regression')

Toggle Paramenters

  1. Select the relevant project by clicking it in the home view or via the Projects dropdown in the main navigation
  2. Click the Runs button in the side navigation
  3. Click the Show Parameters button at the top of the runs table to show parameters for runs
  4. Click the Hide Parameters button at the top of the runs table to hide parameters for runs

Compare Runs

  1. Select the relevant project by clicking it in the home view or via the Projects dropdown in the main navigation
  2. Click the Runs button in the side navigation
  3. Select the relevant runs by clicking the checkbox
  4. Click the Compare button at the top of the runs table

Export Runs

  1. Select the relevant project by clicking it in the home view or via the Projects dropdown in the main navigation
  2. Click the Runs button in the side navigation
  3. Select the relevant runs by clicking the checkbox
  4. Click the Export button at the top of the runs table