Runs belong to exactly one project and none, one or many experiments. However, it is good practice to assign a run to at least one experiment. They may have input from previous runs and may generate outputs – named artifacts – such as models. Runs also contain parameters and metrics that are key-value pairs to make them comparable.
Project: House Price Prediction
- Experiment 1: Linear Regression
- Run 1: Data Preparation
- Run 2: Test Train Split
- Run 3: Linear Regression Training
- Experiment 2: Random Forest Regression
- Run 1: Data Preparation
- Run 2: Test Train Split
- Run 4: Random Forest Regression Training
Show Runs
- Select the relevant project by clicking it in the home view or via the Projects dropdown in the main navigation
- Click the Runs button in the side navigation
Create Run
run = mlaide_client.start_new_run(experiment_key='linear-regression',
run_name='linear regression')
Toggle Paramenters
- Select the relevant project by clicking it in the home view or via the Projects dropdown in the main navigation
- Click the Runs button in the side navigation
- Click the Show Parameters button at the top of the runs table to show parameters for runs
- Click the Hide Parameters button at the top of the runs table to hide parameters for runs
Compare Runs
- Select the relevant project by clicking it in the home view or via the Projects dropdown in the main navigation
- Click the Runs button in the side navigation
- Select the relevant runs by clicking the checkbox
- Click the Compare button at the top of the runs table
Export Runs
- Select the relevant project by clicking it in the home view or via the Projects dropdown in the main navigation
- Click the Runs button in the side navigation
- Select the relevant runs by clicking the checkbox
- Click the Export button at the top of the runs table