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Project Settings

Project members can be managed via project settings. The following roles are available:

  • Owner
  • Contributor
  • Viewer

Roles & Rights Overview

TODO: Check create roles & rights overview as table


Show Settings

  1. Select the relevant project by clicking it in the home view or via the Projects dropdown in the main navigation
  2. Click the Settings button in the side navigation

Add Project Members

  1. Select the relevant project by clicking it in the home view or via the Projects dropdown in the main navigation
  2. Click the Settings button in the side navigation
  3. Click the Add Project Member button
  4. Provide
    • Email
    • Role
  5. Confirm by clicking the Create button

User has to log in at least once before he/she can be added as a project member

Edit Project Members

  1. Select the relevant project by clicking it in the home view or via the Projects dropdown in the main navigation
  2. Click the Settings button in the side navigation
  3. Click the Edit Project Member button () for the relevant project member
  4. Change
    • Role
  5. Confirm by clicking the Update button